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For more & better opportunities
Kaplan Business and Accountancy School (KBAS)* is a registered non-profit making institute. We help our students in pursuing of their goals and dreams in the business world. We expound knowledge and demonstrate professional practices to nurture for their well-rounded personalities. Our Professional Diploma in Business course (PDB course) is gearing our students for future careers. Our articulation arrangements with some of the most prestigious universities in the world encourage the graduates for further progress onto the relevant higher education fields.
*School Registration No.: 585742
Why KBAS is the right choice for you?
*The University reserves the final right of decision on the valid ity of the admission offer.
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2/F, E-Tech Centre
Nos 402-406 Hennessy Road,
Wanchai, Hong Kong
(Causeway Bay MTR Exit A)
Opening Hours:
9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Mon to Fri)
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Sat)
Closed on Sunday and Public Holiday
Tel: 2526 3686
Fax: 2501 0589
Email: [email protected]